Barbour Here To Stay
17th September 2013 | Posted in Womens & Women's New In by H. Simpson
British heritage fashion is big right now. That and the obsession of fashion era revivals, brands such as Barbour and Hunter have come back into the mainstream and, not only being worn for traditional country walks, etc, but for fashion. Who would have thought it? Trends change, along with the seasons, but British heritage fashion seems to have remained. Designers such as Burberry ran a British heritage campaign which you can still see when flicking through the pages of the latest Cosmo! Since this, the fashion industry has seen High Street shops such as Topshop and River Island follow their lead, creating their own take on Barbours through quilted jackets, tweed collections and flat boots. These are okay as a cheap alternative but they don't quite have that same effect as wearing the real thing.
We never have any complaints about Barbour, it really does have a good reputation. Its not surprising that Barbour have been around since 1894 and its great that the wax and quilted jackets have seen great popularity in recent years. I admit I hadn't actually heard of them before their recent fashion boom, but now I have they're certainly a fashion favourite with the young and elder generation!
And don't forget, the Barbour sale is still on with 25% off selected coats!

The Waxed One
The waxed jackets are my favourite type of Barbours. Traditional, having been around for decades, the waxed jacket is waterproof and wind-proof ensuring total warmth! Stereotypical of a Yorkshireman to wear, especially being worn out walking on the moors, you can be sure the wax really does its job having been a favourite throughout the generations.
Morris Utility Waxed Jacket by Barbour
The Floral One
The Barbours with a floral trim are actually one of our most popular selling Barbours. Maybe its because they add a slight feature to the standard plain coat giving it a feminine touch. Forget about the weather, incorporate floral into your wardrobe. The flowers may be dead outside but keep them alive within your coat!
Printed Beadnell Wax Jacket by Barbour
The Quilted Matlock One
I like how classy this Barbour looks, especially in real life. Its slightly different to the rest in that the exterior finish is matte so not the shiny finish the others seem to have and the lining is a wool material. This can be worn in one of two ways depending on what style you want and how cold it is. The top buckle can be fastened up showing just a hinter of the wool lining (which is how I'd have it) or it can be left open so that the interior turns somewhat into lapels of the jacket. The linings unusual too, its like a print of a globe!
Matlock Quilted Jacket by Barbour
The Quilted Viper One
A lot of Barbours are very similar and sometimes its hard to distinguish between the others, especially when the new season arrives and a coat has been updated in the slightest of ways. Like a lot of the Barbours, this one has a belt for tightening around the waist but the difference is this one has a hood - which is also fleece lined. The styles of Barbours do not vary too much, look at the similarities between this and the Printed Beadnell Wax Jacket (at the top) except one is waxed and the other is quilted, so if your intending on investing in a Barbour, this is the decision you've got to make...waxed or quilted.
Viper Quilted Jacket by Barbour
The Trials Polarquilt One
A splash of purple with this one and its also a totally different style to the rest. The coat has a slight biker jacket theme and can be made fitted. Its this style which was seen in many High Street shops at the time of Barbour coming into the fashion stakes approx four years ago and its interesting to note that Barbour's style has never been bettered.
Trials Polarquilt Jacket by Barbour International
The Polarquilt One
I've chosen another colour of Barbour so that we don't just have blacks. Believe it or not, the red is one of our most popular colours in a Barbour. The polarquilt is the quilted coat with a fleeced lining. Take note though, the Barbour International jackets are a very fitted fit and I'd definitely recommend getting one a size above what you usually are!
Polarquilt in Red by Barbour International
The Dog One
Can you believe your dog can actually wear a Barbour too?! You can get a waxed one or quilted and I've chosen quilted because its cuter! It even has it's own collar! Whether you think its right or wrong to dress up your dog, putting them in a Barbour will certainly do the trick of keeping your hound warm! The waxed version will have lots of resilience too if the dog is rolling around and playing outdoors! I admit, dogs can look a little stupid dressed in dog version's of human clothes, but these Barbour jackets are more on the practical side than the fashion!
Quilted Dog Coat in Green by Barbour