We've all been there- stood in front of the mirror in all your finery, struggling to fasten a tie that ultimately just ends up looking like a hang mans noose-but no longer!
We're about to take you beyond the threshold of simple tie knots; going way past a half Windsor, miles ahead of a prat knot and deep into the realms of sartorial accessory exotica.
We start on the left, with the Eldridge knot, a crazy concoction of overlaps with a sharp 60's feel, giving you a look with more distinction than Don Draper's tailoring cupboard. This knot is very striking, mainly due to it's width, so make sure you dress it with a wide collared shirt to allow for the extra bulk around your top button.
Next up, it's the Trinity knot on the right, a vexing, swirling shape that carries on the 60's styling from the Eldridge knot, but leaves the sharp suited, quick talker at home, and brings out the fun loving smart weekend dresser. This knot then, is perfect for any formal occasion you might have outside of office hours. Again, this style will give you a wider knot than you might be used to, so try it with a shirt with a wide collar opening, such as a penny or wedge collar.
Both of these styles represent a time of classic, sharp tailoring, and should be worn as such. Classic styles, such as a Double Breasted Suit will match this look to a tee, as will elegant and cleanly cut 3 piece suits, in simple block colours.
Know your knots

We start on the left, with the Eldridge knot, a crazy concoction of overlaps with a sharp 60's feel, giving you a look with more distinction than Don Draper's tailoring cupboard. This knot is very striking, mainly due to it's width, so make sure you dress it with a wide collared shirt to allow for the extra bulk around your top button.

Next up, it's the Trinity knot on the right, a vexing, swirling shape that carries on the 60's styling from the Eldridge knot, but leaves the sharp suited, quick talker at home, and brings out the fun loving smart weekend dresser. This knot then, is perfect for any formal occasion you might have outside of office hours. Again, this style will give you a wider knot than you might be used to, so try it with a shirt with a wide collar opening, such as a penny or wedge collar.

You'll find that over complicating these looks with pattern and colour can ruin your look, so keep it simple. If you want to mix colours, make them striking to your formal shirt, if you want to mix textures, try a classic knitted tie.
Experiment with your collar shapes too. A wedge collar with a 3 piece suit will open up your neck line and draw all the attention to your new knot.
A penny collar shirt with a Double Breasted suit will complete the ultimate classic elegance of 60's style when teamed up with a pair of brogues.
Need a bit more inspiration for your next formal look? Check out the Masdings.com Wedding Store. But, in the mean time, we suggest you get in front of the mirror and practice your knots... Special thanks to the chaps at blacklapel.com for the imagery.Ryan J Gray